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Best Foot Forward To Fight Cancer

By Ray White Whitsunday

With a little more than a month to go until this year’s Whitsundays Relay for Life, locals are getting ready to take to the track to give hope to the one in two Queenslanders who are diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime.

More than 100 people and 15 teams have registered for the Cancer Council Queensland event, with organisers hoping to raise more than $50,000.

Whitsundays RFL will see teams keep a baton moving in a relay-style walk or run overnight in support of more than 27,000 Queenslanders diagnosed with cancer each year.

Cancer Council Queensland chief executive Chris McMillan extended an invitation to locals to team up for the cause and register for the annual event.

“It’s been fantastic to see locals rally together to show their support for Whitsundays RFL and we hope many more will also get involved,” she said.

“Don’t miss a range of fun and entertaining activities on offer and emotional and empowering ceremonies.

“Cancer Council Queensland provides support, resources and advice for those in the community affected by cancer and invests in lifesaving cancer research to ensure those diagnosed have the best chance of treating the disease.

“With every step taken and every dollar raised at RFL, we can continue to support more than 750 people diagnosed with cancer in the Mackay region each year.

“You can help us create hope for cancer survivors, hope for those who have lost loved ones and hope for a cancer-free future.”

This year organisers hope to raise more than $50,000 in the fight against cancer.

Registration for Whitsundays Relay for Life is $20 a person.

To register a team or find out more visit or phone 1300 65 65 85.

Source: Whitsunday Times.

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