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Willcox declares “I am your new mayor”

ANDREW Willcox has thanked the voters, his supporters and fellow councillors in declaring a win as the new Whitsunday Regional Council mayor.
Posting on Facebook tonight, he said while the official tick had not been put on the Electoral Commission Queensland website, the numbers “speak for themselves” and he is happy to be the new mayor.
“I thank the residents for putting their faith in me to lead our council through the change and ultimately deliver better outcomes,” Cr Willcox said.
“I ran a very positive campaign, focused on positive solutions and that’s my leadership style and the way it will be over the next four years and beyond. I ran on the principle of unity and that’s my number one priority. I welcome and encourage the community to get involved with their council, after all we are here to work for you.”|
He took the opportunity to acknowledge outgoing mayor, Jennifer Whitney.
“I wish her and her family the best in their future endeavours,” Cr Willcox said.
“I also acknowledge Eric Oliver, for a good clean campaign and his commitment to the community in running for mayor.”

While the new team of councillors is also yet to be formally declared, the leaders at final count are:

Division 1: Jan Clifford

Division 2: Ron Petterson

Division 3: John Collins

Division 4: Peter Ramage

Division 5: Dave Clark uncontested winner

Division 6: Mike Brunker

“I’d like to congratulate the team of councillors who’ve been elected. I look forward to working with you,” Cr Willcox said.
“And I acknowlege and thank the outgoing councillors, my colleagues who have served the community over the past term.
“I also thank those who stood for councillor positions, the community is lucky to have such committed people who wanted to serve them.”
Cr Willcox thanked his supporters over the election campaign.
“Those who helped and supported me both before and during the campaign, people behind the scenes, volunteers at the pre-polling and polling booths and most importantly my family for their support,” he said.
“Embarking on this role wouldn’t be possible without knowing I’ll have them there to support me.
“Once again, thank you to you, the residents for putting your faith in me to lead our great region.”
Cr Willcox finished his message by inviting residents to continue to follow him on his “journey”.
“I want you all to know, we are not at the end, this is just the beginning …..” he concluded.

What do you think of the final result?

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