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The Digital Plan To Showcase Paradise

By Paige Miller

Digital tourism will be a key plank of the LNP’s election platform.

LNP Leader Tim Nicholls announced the Opposition’s policy at Cairns to install 500 Wi-Fi hot spot sites across key tourism locations in Queensland at a cost of $3 million over three years.

Tourism Whitsundays CEO Craig Turner said the policy would give Airlie Beach greater exposure across the world.

“When we are telling people how great we are it doesn’t resonate as much as consumers telling us how great we are,” he said.

“When people are enjoying and visiting and taking photos and posting to mates, it is like a third party endorsement.

“For us it is essential to utilise Wi-Fi readily to send that message to other people.”

Whitsunday MP Jason Costigan said the plan would build on the incredible growth the Whitsundays has seen this year.

“A picture is worth a thousand words, this will help promote amazing images of our iconic natural attractions,” he said.

Local councils would have to pitch for locations to be approved by the elected LNP State Government if the policy went ahead.

Source: Whitsunday Times.

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