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Supercell to affect Whitsunday coast from tomorrow

By Mark Beale

Warnings of an extreme supercell due to touch down after 12pm on Friday have been issued for all of eastern Queensland.

Weather guru Jeff Higgins of Higgins Storm Chasing said the Whitsunday coast is not included in the “extreme risk” area but is still in the “high risk” zone.

Damaging winds, rain exceeding 100mm, flash flooding and frequent lightening are expected.

“As far as severe storm set ups are concerned this ranks in the top 5 over the past 12 months and people need to be made well aware of the dangerous potential during Friday” he said.

Higgins explains supercell forecast : This video, released by Higgins Storm Chasers, explains why they have forecast a supercell to hit Queensland on Friday. Click Here to watch the video

Retired Bureau of Meteorology forecaster Mike Griffin, who has over 40 years’ experience forecasting the weather, says the rare weather conditions are stretching over 2000kms up and down Eastern Australia.

“That’s very rare to have that,” he said.

The Bureau of Meteorology has described it as an ‘epic low’ not seen in many years.

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