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Sailing Classes Kick Off

By Paige Miller

Learn to sail classes at Whitsunday Sailing Club will have budding sailors back on the water in early February.

Club sailing officer Ross Chisholm said the classes were a huge success last year and was happy to offer the training again which will coincide with the beginning of the school term.

The classes begin with theory-based training and safety, but students would become familiar with the craft and on the water early in the eight-week course, Mr Chisholm said.

“We want to get them on the water as quickly as we can but we go through the safety and theory before we take them down and introduce them to the boat so they can get the feel of the rocking motion of the craft,” he said.

“On the second day we talk about what can go wrong and we give them a shallow water capsize and teach them to bail water out of the boat.”

Most of the course is hands-on and the club tries to limit classroom theory.

Depending on age students will learn to sail either opti-tackers or lasers.

The course costs $220 for eights sessions on Sunday morning.

Contact Mr Chisholm on 0429 584 787 for more details.

Source: Whitsunday Times.

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