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Outback whispers make way to Airlie

By Mark Beale

FOLLOWING the success of the Whispers of the Whitsundays productions held at the Whitsunday Arts and Cultural Centre each fortnight, Airlie Beach has a new cultural experience on offer.

You can join Whitsunday musician Bob Barford for a night under the stars featuring iconic Australian bush culture.

Mr Barford spent many years in central Australia before moving to the Whitsundays and it is his experiences from his time out west that form the basis of the show.

“I spent a lifetime doing shows on cattle stations and working in the bush and that’s where my background in Australian bush culture is from,” he said. “I’ve always had an interest in it, collecting songs and so on.”

The show includes damper, billy tea, a barbecue and dessert. Mr Barford is well versed in bush culture and will give you a hands-on experience of some elements of campfire cooking and Australian outback lore, as well as taking audiences on a journey through the colonial history of Australia. The show takes a hands-on approach to entertaining, with audience members invited to help cook and play traditional bush instruments.

You will also see Mr Barford perform some of his own bush ballads and good old classics such as Home Among the Gum Trees.

Whispers of the Whitsundays & Whispers of the Outback run on alternate Fridays.

More details and bookings are available online at


Where: The WACC, 13 Waterson Way, Airlie Beach

When: April 17, 6:30pm. Runs fortnightly.

Tickets: Family – $100, Adults – $40, Kids (5-18) – $24

Phone: 4946 4444

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