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OPINION: Is Adani For The Greater Good? If So, Just Do It

By Mark Beale

Adrian Burragubba speaks from the heart when he says the Adani coal mine would “tear the heart out of our country”.

The senior Traditional Owner and spokesperson for the Wangan and Jagalingou family council is fighting to protect his traditional land.

“We said ‘no means no’ and so we will continue to resist this damaging coal mine that will tear the heart out of our Country,” he said yesterday.

He has lodged an appeal to the full bench of the Federal Court of Australia challenging a decision in relation to the Queensland Government’s issuing of mining leases for Adani’s Carmichael coal mine, handed down in August.

At the same time in Rockhampton, Mayor Margaret Strelow was also speaking from the heart when she talked about the frustration of waiting for the Adani mining jobs while her community struggles and businesses close down.

She wants the state and federal governments to take up a position that will support the future of Adani by putting an end to the revolving door of court cases delaying the project.

“There will be those that criticise me but seeing people in Rockhampton put food on the table is more important than the silly games and stall tactics we are seeing.”

While the legal battle over Adani’s mine is complex and confusing, the overriding issue comes down to whether it can be built and operated in an environmentally responsible manner.

We have to determine that it is for the greater good of our community and then proceed. This is a matter for those who represent our best interests.

Are they doing their job?

SOURCE: Whitsunday Times

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