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Funding Will Make Notorious Intersection Safer

By Ray White Whitsunday

Strong lobbying by Whitsunday Regional Council for safety improvements at the notorious intersection of Proserpine-Shute Harbour Road and Gregory Cannon Valley Road has paid dividends. As part of yesterday’s Queensland State Budget, the Palaszczuk Government announced funding of $2.25 million for Proserpine-Shute Harbour Road intersection improvements under their Safer Roads Sooner initiative. Mayor Andrew Willcox, who also chairs the Whitsunday Traffic Advisory Committee, said any improvements to make a safer road network for residents were essential.

“We appreciate this investment from the Palaszczuk Government as any death or injury on our roads is one too many,” he said. Division 2 Councillor Ron Petterson first raised safety issues regarding the intersection with the State Department of Traffic and Main Roads in 2016. “This is great news for our community and is reward for our efforts in strongly advocating to secure funding for improvements,” he said. “This intersection has gained a lot of attention over the years, particularly in recent times with several serious vehicle accidents and near misses drawing a spotlight on this notorious accident hotspot,” he said.

“As councilor I will continue to advocate and ensure all roads are built to standards which meet the safety needs of all road users and the wider community.” Minister for Transport and Main Roads Mark Bailey said the long-running Safer Roads Sooner initiative would deliver 42 projects and $30 million of funding across Queensland. “Safer Roads Sooner is a key road safety improvement program focusing on high benefit, cost effective road engineering treatments addressing known and potential crash locations,” Mr Bailey said.

“The human and economic costs of road trauma are largely avoidable,” Mr Bailey said. “As part of the Palaszczuk Government’s continued commitment to the long-term vision of zero deaths and serious injuries on Queensland roads, initiatives such as Safer Roads Sooner ensure that valuable funding is allocated where it is needed the most.” The Safer Roads Sooner initiative is funded through the Targeted Road Safety Program which is primarily sourced from revenue collected from the Camera Detected Offence Program.

Projects include:
• $2.25 million for intersection improvements at the intersection of Proserpine-Shute Harbour Road and Gregory Cannon Valley Road

“The Palaszczuk Government is investing in building safe, caring and connected communities, ensuring that Queensland has an integrated, safe and reliable transport system,” Mr Bailey said.

Source: Whitsunday Regional Council Media Release.

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