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$165M Whitsunday Island Projects Fast-Tracked, Bringing Jobs

By Ray White Whitsunday

Construction to repair two Whitsunday island resorts has been fast-tracked by the State Government meaning a combined $165million should be hitting the region sooner rather than later.

The $100million Hayman Island project and the $65million repair and refurbishment of Daydream Island were granted ‘special status’ by the State Government.

This status should cut the government red tape to get the projects off the ground as the State’s Coordinator-General pushes the developments through the approval stages.

“These projects will create hundreds of local jobs and support tourism recovery in the Whitsundays,” tourism minister Kate Jones said.

“Our priority is to revive the region by fast-tracking jobs and business opportunities in the Whitsundays.

“Granting prescribed project status will allow the independent Coordinator-General to assist these projects to efficiently navigate processes and gain timely approvals through government.”

>>>READ MORE: Island boom on the cards in the Whitsundays

The Hayman Island project works include the removal of debris and damaged infrastructure, redevelopment of the resort’s accommodation and staffing village and new landscaping.

Mulpha Australia Limited CEO Greg Shaw welcomed the announcement.

“This is an important step on restoring Hayman Island Resort to its iconic luxury resort status following the impact of Tropical Cyclone Debbie,” Mr Shaw said.

“We thank the Queensland Government for its support and we look forward to their continued assistance in this process on a range of applications and approvals required.

“Hayman is recognised as a one of the greatest luxury experiences in the world and is one of Australia’s most recognised and highly awarded tourism assets. It is an integral part of the Whitsundays tourism economy and will again provide an enormous boost to the local economy on reopening in late 2018.

“We are working hard on Hayman’s restart, and we look forward to the resort once again employing 350-400 staff and welcoming guests from all around Australia and the World.”

The Daydream Island refurbishment will redevelop the accommodation, dining, recreational and reception.

Source: Daily Mercury.

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